The Festive Build

It's that faithful type of year again. "Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Nate will punch your balls." Wait that's not how the lyrics go. My bad.


-Redone the whole Main Menu.

-Made the game temporarily Festive. Happy Crisis!

-Worked on Day/Night system.

-Added Coordinates in the Pause Menu because it's hard to tell you fellow Streamers what things are and where to go. For example, Benji's Wall Vandalism.

-Added Running. Walk and mash E.

-Added Footsteps. I recorded all 9 Audio Clips. Each are less than a second. They are a bit static-y but I like them! I always imagined Nate making noise.

-Fixed Lighting.

-Fixed Schedule.

-Fixed Discord shit but who cares.

-Added new Twitch Cover Art.

-Added Endings.

-Added Credits.

-New areas unlocked! New characters once I finish Nate, don't be impatient because I'm trying here, damn.

-Made the Day shorter. -50% Time!

-Worked on more mystery shit. Lol fuck you, jk.

-Better Drug things!

-Drug Cutscenes. :D

-Changed Nate's Movement Animations. Trying to fix this actively.

-Added an intercom when you first enter the prison. Along with redoing the Intro and starting Main Final Endings, I will be replacing my temporary voice with the Main Boss's voice for the Intercom. I don't wanna voice more than two characters.

-Fixed basic Dialog like the Barber and Scott, including centering the Barber correctly in Dialog. I know his name isn't Barber, but STFU. Love you. uwu

-Edited the Zoom Out Camera thing.

-Fixed Contraband Phone.

-Hid Items.

-New Props.

-Updated Character/Regular Wiki.

-Fixed Bird Eye Animations on Pickup.

-More Particles. UnItY's PaRtiCle SYstEm!

-Changed Colliders like always. I should stop saying this.

-New Door Slam Solitary sound.

-Moved shit around.

-Accidentally Credited someone for something that isn't in yet, which will be fixed.

-Edited Day # UI. Might make a I, II, III Type of UI for this. I don't know if I'm even allowed to use the "Octin Prison Free Font", so I might need to redo this font when I sell the game. I'm planning it to be $5-$10. When I can get more than $100 from this, I'll consider Steam. It just isn't worth paying for because I'm the one constantly working on the game with most of my free time.

-Added Forms along with many more things. A shit ton more. Play teh gaem already like damn. If not, read below for future plans below and look at the links on the Updated Character/Regular Wiki, and the New Added Cover Art for the Twitch Category.

Things to expect for the next Builds:

-Redoing Advertisement Images.

-I've already started working on a Weather script.

-Gonna start Crediting people with their names instead of Usernames. Sorry if you don't like it.

-More Drugs? Shrooms?

-New Environment Art.

-New Gang Art.

-Lighter Credits Menu.

-Commercials and TV and more electronics.



-Vent Weed Growth?

-Crab Game and Minecraft inspiration.

-Solitary Updates.



-Death Row Screams? This is mainly so I can add it in the backround for Solitary and have Noah tell Nate that it's the screams of Sexual Predators.

-Radio Room.

-Inmate Gear Room. Levi's Journal and Jacket when he got arrested will be here.


-Better Colliders.

-Chili Powder. Shit NVM, I'm not Jesse Pinkman.


-Guard Puppies?




-Body Parts?

-Car Chases, Pull Overs, and Permits.

-I've started editing some of the "Roses" Gang Cell. I imagine some of the many people are crammed in there but aren't allowed to get a new Cell because all of them are used up so they are stuck there, and that they automatically recruit anyone there by force if necessary. Some of the Concept Characters look fun to me. I can't wait for the Final Boss, but I can't tell you when that'll be finished. I have no idea. F.

-I have removed snow and made the Festivities part of the Weather script mentioned earlier. I have already deleted Scott's X-Mas Greeting.

-Updated Eye Colors and Designs. New Jake hair? New Nate eyes? More consistent Liam?

-Hygiene Stat. You gamers, and Nate, need it.

-Running and Stamina Bar along with other Stat Bars and Inmate Vs. Correctional Officer Respect Meters.

-Metal Detectors.

-Better Dialog Character UI Art.

-Security Cameras.



-Vivid Dreams?


-Daily Box Openings.

-Angry Inmate Dialog if you talk to them, stalling them for long periods of time?

-Escape Loophole Laws.

-Lawyers. Phoenix Wright?

-Pat downs.

-Cell Tosses.

-Riot Guards and Riots.

-Gold Vaults?

-Sussy Venting.

-Vending Machines in the Visitor Room. OITNB Reference?

-Contraband Room? Stealthy?

-Sirens and Alarms.

-Control Panels to hack into.

-Introductions and more Endings.

-More Days? Mandatory Sleeping Checks? A guard could try to routinely catch you on your phone or sneaking out.


-A tired happy developer.

-More wait time. I know there isn't much gameplay but I need to Stream sometimes.

Unknown Future:


-Better Inventory.

-Popsicle? It's a Discord Inside Joke, you wouldn't get it.

-Stealing stuff in Crates.

-Stealth and hiding?

-Final Boss Battle.

-Much more.

-Possibly some of the things above.

Files 112 MB
Dec 27, 2021

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